Technical information on over 7.000 devices!
All the technical information about implantable cardiac devices (pacemakers, defibrillators, cardiac monitors and leads).
All the product advisories issued by device manufacturers directly linked to each device with detailed descriptions
you can create automatic side-by-side comparison up to 4 devices on mobile phone and up to 12 devices on tablet
Discover the MRI compatibility of each device system considering device and leads connected
The third party, independent and largest database
for implantable cardiac devices
(pacemakers, defibrillators, cardiac monitors, leads).
Includes detailed technical datasheets, MRI compatibility info, device longevity/survival curve, connector info, product advisories, algorythms descriptions, links to manuals from more than 7.000 devices by 60 different manufacturers.
Mark T.
Julia. W
Michael. M
Christopher R
Susan T.
Robert B.